It has been our privilege to support the adoption stories of these incredible families.

kenneally Family Adoption
Adoption Status
Paperwork In Process
Hello to you all.
I am grandmother who is in the process of kinship adoption of my special needs grandson. He has had a very rough start in life and I am all he has got. He is a loving, insightful talented child who has many special needs due to the history of his childhood. I am unable to print for legal reasons. I am a known member of my community and a former Hospice nurse. I am also a Certified Therapeutic Foster parent. I can give certain information to you privately or through my Lawyer and the child's Lawyer. I need to protect the child. We really need your help. Every little bit of your kindness will help make this child feel secure and safe forever. Thank you.
Our Beautiful Family
Our Beautiful Family, Inc. has applied to the IRS for tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
While this tax-exempt determination is under application, Our Beautiful Family, Inc. is working with Pure Charity, Inc., a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for donation process and grant disbursement.